Thursday, April 25, 2013

Photographed the Human Race in Mchenry, IL the other day with Amber, my fellow intern. Had a blast. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Like I just said, this man amazes me daily. If you want to know about him, rather than asking what he does it would probably be easier to ask what he doesn't do. We blasted Twenty One Pilots from my car as he spun fire in my driveway and down the street. Watching him do this is incredible, it left me speechless. 

Jonathan and I went downtown Sunday. This man amazes me daily. We were trying to enjoy the view on the brown line but somehow, as always, we were enveloped in conversation with a stranger. In escaping his semi-creepiness we jumped off at Merchandise Mart, seemingly a ghost town, and climbed some scaffolding and did hand stands... the obvious move when no one is around in Chicago. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

This is the start of the hand collection. I've got tons more to take and many to weed out. I'm excited to see this progress though! I like when projects seem to have potential. They just have to flow better. 

Went for some self portraits the other day. I have grown this intrigue for hand shots, they're just so interesting to me. Just experimenting with that. 

Did I mention he creates beautiful things on the piano?

cause he does.

This incredible man and I took a bike ride and some photos yesterday.
He told me that he loves riding because on the bike he is the closest he can be to flying. I love being on the back, it feels so free.